domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010


a)Música, Poesia e Ficção Científica
-Eu posto frequentemente no blogue do Projeto Portal e ando postando lá letras de músicas e poesias com temas de Ficção Científica. Quem quiser espiar, clique AQUI e ALI. Quem tiver sugestões (se alguém estiver vendo), me dê um toque: vale qualquer estilo.

b)Blog legal
-Gosto muito do SuperPunch! Super estiloso e super postado. Difícil acompanhar.

c)Artista legal
-Tara McPherson

d)Texto legal
-Pets literários: em inglês, no "Journey round my skull"

"Literary Pets by Gilbert Alter-Gilbert

The animal figure is a universal ingredient in literature from Aesop to Orwell. Perennially and ubiquitously, from the humblest children's storybook to the most ambitious epic, beings with paws and claws, beaks and fangs, horns and hooves, fins and flippers, have been put at the service of metaphor or moral instruction. Fables and fairy tales abound with familiar and endearing creatures; the brute beast, although bereft of the faculty of speech, may be eloquent on the printed page. Whether presented realistically or symbolically, members of the animal clan have reflected and, in some cases, indicted the behavior of their human stewards in ways that make representatives of the two-legged species look at least as curious as any of their "lower" planetary co-inhabitants, and often more contemptible.

From sable cats to albino cetaceans, famous titular animals span the chromatic spectrum: White Fang; The Green Mare; The Bluebird; The Red Pony. Literary animals of ill omen include Poe's redoubtable raven and Coleridge's ineluctable albatross; other fine feathered friends have exerted a comparable fascination: the fixation of the classical Persian poets on the nightingale, Shelley's skylark, Hardy's thrush.

Even amoebae and their unicellular relatives have found focus in certain literary productions: the tubercular germ in Eduardo Wilde's consumption story "The Rain"; the viral infection, tentative, if implied, in Ezequiel Martinez Estrada's "The Cough"; the microbial organisms which prove the downfall of the extraterrestrial invaders in H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds; from primitive protozoa to prehistoric monsters, to the mythic creatures populating the bestiaries of old, animals have been a constant of literary culture."

Leia tudo (e com fotos BEM interessantes) AQUI

e)Imagem legal
-Imagem: "Belling the Slayer" Jeffrey Jones

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